Basic Policy on Information Security


In order to protect all of our information assets from various threats and fulfill our social mission as a company, we have established the basic policy, information system management regulations, information security management regulations, personal information protection regulations and other related regulations, bylaws and standards as part of the Information Security Policy as follows.

  1. We will make every possible effort to provide security countermeasures for all of our information assets to prevent risks including the loss, damage, tampering and leakage of personal information.

  2. By effectively utilizing our information assets, we have implemented appropriate security countermeasures according to their importance.

  3. We have continued to implement education and promote awareness of information security to our board members and employees (including part-time and temporary employees), and will make efforts to widely inform them of the Information Security Policy.

  4. All board members and employees who handle the information assets shall comply with the Information Security Policy and fulfill the stipulated obligations and responsibilities.

  5. By continuously implementing risk assessments of our information assets from various areas and reflecting them into our various countermeasures, we aim to maintain and improve our information security.

  6. By implementing regular audits of the various operational statuses relating to information security and taking appropriate corrective measures when necessary, we will make efforts to ensure our information security.

  7. We shall comply with all laws and ordinances and social norms relating to information assets.